孚思设计 | 园里火锅餐厅(东郊记忆店)获2024 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE

孚思设计 | 园里火锅餐厅(东郊记忆店)获2024 ASIA DESIGN PRIZE


本文内容由 FUSE 孚思设计原创所有,

项目图片版权归 FUSE 孚思设计所有;



Project Name | YuanLi Hot Pot Restaurant (Wanke Tianhui)
项目地址|中国 成都
Project Location | Chengdu, China
Area | 1960㎡
Client | YuanLi Hot Pot
Interior Design | Li Pi
设计团队 | 陈敏 / 李新宇
Interior Design | Min Chen/Xinyu Li
Interior Design | Zucheng Xie
Interior Design | FUSE
photograph | HZH
Date | 2020

近日,2024 亚洲设计奖(Asia Design Prize)公布了全球获奖榜单,本届韩国亚洲设计奖总共收到来自全球25个国家的1601份参赛作品,孚思设计项目「园里火锅餐厅(东郊记忆店)」,在众多优秀参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获2024 韩国亚洲设计奖

Recently, the 2024 Asia Design Prize announced its global list of winners. This year, the Korea-based Asia Design Prize received a total of 1601 entries from 25 countries around the world. Among many outstanding entries, the "Yuanli Hotpot Restaurant (East Suburb Memory Store)" project by FUSI Design stood out and was honored with the 2024 Korea Asia Design Prize.

亚洲设计奖(Asia Design Prize)始于2016年,是一项面向全球设计师的国际性大奖。该赛事致力于发掘可以引领未来的新颖设计理念,并在全球推广。亚洲设计奖将对参赛作品进行在线筛选,进行公正、客观的评估。除了关注工业设计、视觉设计和空间设计以外,还尤其重视能够解决本区域社会问题(天气异常、两极化、种族歧视、粮食短缺等)的设计,致力于创造一个更美好的世界。


The Asia Design Prize began in 2016 and is an international award aimed at designers worldwide. This competition is committed to discovering innovative design concepts that can lead the future and promoting them globally. The Asian Design Awards will conduct online screening of entries for fair and objective evaluation. In addition to focusing on industrial design, visual design, and spatial design, special attention is also paid to designs that can solve social problems in the region (such as abnormal weather, polarization, racial discrimination, food shortages, etc.), committed to creating a better world.






YuanLi Hot Pot Restaurant (Dongjiao Memory Branch)


The red-brick waves throughout the whole space blend indoor and outdoor elements, creating a unique and immersive dining experience. The strategic design offers stunning views of the surrounding scenery, while also being a captivating sight itself. The booths and private VIP rooms appear floating on the waves, transporting eager patrons to their destinations. The winding paths around the patios offer a touch of privacy to each scattered space. Surrounded by wooden paddles and sailboards, amidst the backdrop of vibrant red waves and the play of light and shadow, diners are enveloped in a warm and joyful ambiance.

Judging Comments

The red-brick waves design received high praise for its innovative blending of indoor and outdoor elements, creating an immersive dining experience that captivates both visually and spatially. The unique layout, offering stunning views and privacy, alongside the thematic use of wooden paddles and sailboards, has been lauded for creating a warm, joyful ambiance that elevates the dining experience to new heights.